
In an effort to stay in touch with friends and family all over the world, Matt and I have created a blogspot....well, who are we kidding...I've created it and added little tid bits about Matt in it ;) At any rate, I hope you enjoy our pictures, slideshows, rants, raves and everyday happenings of our rather newly married life.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Labor of Love for my Auburn Tigers!

Catchy title huh? Thought it would encompass Labor Day festivities with our Auburn game day fun! This past weekend Matt and I drove to Auburn to enjoy our first game of the season against the lovely Louisianna Monroe. As expected....it was a shut out! 34-0! WAR DAMN EAGLE! We had a great time and tailgated with my brother and some of his frat buddies and then with Paige and JH and finally at Barrett and Nancy's posh RV digs before heading into the game. I only last thru 1st quarter and then decided to meet up with some friends at the bars. It was way too hot to sit in a stadium and watch the game with no alcohol. Jim Beam minis are more Matt's thing ;) Still, we had a great time and headed to the lake on Sunday to meet up with my parents and Hayley, Evan, and Collin. Trev and his buddies joined us later on. We were all ridiculously hung over, but only Evan showed it ;) Love ya buddy! Anyways, here are some pics from our fun Labor Day weekend....off to Boston on Thursday for some "Jacket" fun! :)

Trevor and Evan at the Lake


Tailgating with Paige and JH
Trevor and I at the FIJI tailgate

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